2025: Wild River

The River. The Prairie. The Forest. The Wetland. The Oak Savannah. The Quiet. I’m so grateful for having been chosen to be a MNPAIR Artist-in-Residence at Wild River State Park this year, embedding myself into this ecosystem and this place, but also this unit of … Continue reading2025: Wild River

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This Mighty River: Connections to the Riverside Park Sound Garden and the Akiing Sugar Bush

May 8, 2022 Artist / Organizer Shanai Matteson interviews composer / director JG Everest about his ongoing Sound Gardens project and recent creation and research fellowship at the Akiing (Welcome Water Protectors Center) near Palisade, MN – where he composed a new large-scale sound + … Continue readingThis Mighty River: Connections to the Riverside Park Sound Garden and the Akiing Sugar Bush

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A couple of years ago, I came across an article and this TEDx talk online about creativity and who has it and where it goes. George Land explains how the search for identifying “creative geniuses” in the general population led to further studies and larger … Continue readingCreativity

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Happy New Year!

It’s 2019! I have so much to be thankful for, so many beautiful moments in 2018 – so much good work, so many big dreams came to fruition. And with so many great friends and artists to work with, I feel incredibly lucky and blessed – … Continue readingHappy New Year!

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