ARTIST BIO (Click here for press photos)

Composer / Director / Historian / Organizer JG Everest is a multi-disciplinary artist working at the intersections of engagement, ecology, history, and the emerging field of NeuroArts through a variety of collaborative place-making practices.  He creates site-specific performance installations that connect the histories, ecology, and cultures of places and communities, using spatial sound design as an integral compositional element.  He has worked as music director and sound designer, as well as performer for many projects and performing ensembles, including over a decade each with Catalyst Dance and Roma di Luna. He regularly teaches music and sound design and listening approaches to students, artists, and musicians of varied backgrounds, in workshops, classes, and private lessons. He also works as a consultant for organizations and individuals seeking new perspectives and creative solutions. He is a 2019 McKnight Artist Composer Fellow.  (see more below)

Everest frequently works with performing poets and storytellers, as well as sculptors, dance artists, and video / photo artists to create immersive, multi-disciplinary installation experiences. He regularly collaborates and performs live music poetry with poets Rosie Peters and Jeffrey Skemp, recently releasing new albums with each of them in 2022 and 2020, respectively.  He is a founding member of bands Lateduster, Roma di Luna, The Sensational Joint Chiefs, BLACKFISH, Gold Minefield, and Sans Le Systeme, as well as releasing multiple albums as a solo artist. Musically, he has performed and collaborated with many great Minneapolis musicians, including Sean Daley aka Slug (Atmosphere), Eyedea, Dosh, Walter Kitundu, Chastity Brown, Andrew Broder, Mankwe Ndosi, Dave King, Davu Seru, and Babes In Toyland. From 2004-2014 he was Music Director, composer, and lead collaborator for Emily Johnson / Catalyst Dancereceiving a “Bessie” award in 2012 for “The Thank-you Bar”.  

In 2015, he launched the ongoing, roaming iNMiGRATiON site-specific performance installation series which features his roving Free Range Orchestra & Choir, and has been presented at a variety of venues and events, including the Square Lake Film & Music Festival, American Swedish Institute, Northern Spark Festival, Dakota Homecoming Pow Wow, Icehouse, Midtown Farmers Market, The Hook & Ladder Theater, and The Wolf House.

In 2016, he founded Wavelets Creative, a community integrative Arts organization dedicated to bringing people together in new ways, through immersive arts experiences, often emphasizing and facilitating connections to the natural world.  In 2016 he also co-created and directed the large-scale, site-specific performance installation MY OCEAN at the Ordway Prairie nature preserve in Pope County, Minnesota; developed, directed, and presented the Monarch Magic! community Art + Nature workshop series at Lake Nokomis Park in Minneapolis; and designed, curated, and directed the Monarch Magic! Sound Garden at the annual Minneapolis Monarch Festival / Festival de la Monarcha. 

In 2017, he continued developing his Sound Garden installation model, with events at The Wolf House, Northern Spark Festival, Franconia Sculpture Park, and Monarch Magic!, as well as creating and launching The Buffalo Show – an ongoing series of indigenous artist showcases at the Bryant Lake Bowl Theater, hosted by poet and Dakota elder, “Strong Buffalo”.

WATER SUITE: Four Seasonal Sound Gardens (2018)
In 2018, JG Everest composed, designed, produced, and directed four large-scale seasonal Sound Gardens”, at four different outdoor sites around Minnesota – a suite of site-specific spatial soundscores, presented in collaboration with several local organizations and artists, around the universal theme of “Water is Life” and the cosmic importance of water in our lives, and our responsibility to care for it. Each of the four seasonal sound gardens took place on or adjacent to a significant body of water in Minnesota: WINTER on a frozen Lake Nokomis, SPRING on Lake Superior, SUMMER on Silver Lake, and FALL on the Mississippi River at Rice Creek. 

He has since re-mounted all four seasonal parts of the Water Suite at several other sites, and composed, designed, and presented new large-scale site-specific works at Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center (PWELC), LOLA, Akiing Water Protectors Welcome Center, WARGO Nature Center, Riverside Park in Minneapolis, Montalvo Arts Center in Saratoga, CA, and Madeline Island Public Library in La Pointe, WI.

Prairie Woods Sound Garden (2021) photo by Sarah Musgrave
Riverside Park Sound Garden (2022) photo by Tamar Serin
Dancers Sarah Baumert, Suzette Gilreath, Leslie O’Neill, and Erika Hansen perform in the Fall Sound Garden at Wargo Nature Center in Lino Lakes, MN. photo by Tamar Serin
“Oneness” at Franconia Sculpture Park (2017)